Oct 28, 2008

Competing with Others in Business

Hey, I think there is nothing wrong with a little competition especially in business. Competition is healthy. What do you think? But when you feel the need to compete and struggle to be the best, I think that is the time that competition tends to become a liability.

Being flexible occasionally means that you are not number one. At times when you are competing you will need to take a step backward for a friend or companion who is trying to be innovative. It means you just need to negotiate or compromise.

There are people who live in full competition with everyone; they are admired for such achievements, but they are not attended and given support by other people. Such people convey that they are prettier or smarter or richer and they don’t gain trust of other people. Message projected is about “Me and Me first and foremost”.

In some instances, we are pushed to be more competitive like in companies that are into daring marketing clashes with competitors in a global way.

Here is a tip if you feel the need for that streak of competitiveness blocking your way in dealing with others and your loved ones. It is better if you see the other person as a friend and colleague, and not as an opponent. The relationship should be as a friendship, as a mentoring one and the ability to do things together and as a team, and wherein neither of you can do the given task alone.

It is better if you look directly into the eyes of the person and see the fellow human being as a person who doesn’t want to be a loser more than you do. Remember that people who are always on the lookout to win may really collect lots of recognition, but will eventually lose a lot of friends. And I think it is much better to have more friends than lose them in the long run.

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