Nov 10, 2008

Some Money Lessons

Money is a choice and an idea. It is what you believe it is and the reality is it is telling you that it is. Money depends on what you think about it. If in your opinion money is fun to gain and you always love to talk about how to get better at it, then that is the role of money plays in your life. If you think that the topic of money is bad or evil and you should not talk about it, then that is the connection that you have with money.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that money is better or superior than another. It really depends on the choice of a person. Better ensure that you don’t automatically accept the money as a true choice as a basis on what you think and believe what money really is for.

If money is not important in your life, it follows that being rich isn’t that important either. Bring financially abundant will be a natural thing to do if the way you handle money productively is that important to you. Every person has the impending probability in shifting their desire towards money.

Money will not make you rich and it has the power to make you both poor and rich. Being poor, rich or middle-class is all just a question of mind-set. The way one handles money is showing the mind-set classification that a person has.

A good case of what I am illustrating is when a person suddenly obtains a big sum of money. If the person who receives that kind of money is poor, he will eventually end up as a poorer person and if he is a rich person, he will end up as a richer person.

Money problems cannot be solved by money alone. That is the reason why I just don’t lend money to anyone because I know that it would do more harm than good for both parties. Our relationship will eventually suffer in the end even if the intention is to help a friend in need. And giving money will not help either. It is better to advice your friend the ways to eliminate money problems in a proactive manner and is a more productive way to help someone also.

Let us face it that each one of us has money problems whether the middle class, the rich, the government, the poor, the elderly, the young, and even companies. It is the issue of no money or the issue of excess money. Bear in mind that we all have different financial situations and such situations have different scales of money problems.

The statement saying “money is the root of all evil” or “the love for money is the root of all evil” seems not to be correct, don’t you think? I think the said statements are not that accurate as compared with “the lack of money is the root of all evil”.

People commit crimes like drug dealing resulting to riots, emotional instability, perilous situations, deprived health care, ignorance because of poor education, and many more. It is a fact that people need to address the major needs in order to live.

What I know is that there is a connection between happiness and money, but money alone cannot order unhappiness or happiness. There are even unhappy rich people, and happy rich people, and happy poor people and unhappy poor people. However, there will be a temporarily feeling that not having any money will make one unhappy and getting more money will make one happy.

Being unhappy is not therefore, relevant compared to the wealth of the rich people and this thinking will make you stop in reaching your goal to be rich. One may choose the happiness level and it is useless to conclude to think that rich people are considered always as unhappy people.

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