Sep 18, 2009

Predicting Cartoon for Google Chrome OS

I immediately love Google Chrome when it first came into the market to compete with the other browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, among others. It has all the features that I like most especially usage of the tabs in moving from one site to another, faster loading time as compared with the other browsers, having an incognito window, having themes that will make your Chrome OS attractive to the user, and others. Maybe if you are a Chrome user yourself, you would like to impart your opinions about it here. What do you think of this browser?

Well, it recently launched its latest version Google Chrome 3.0 although I still have to go through with it to know what the difference is if I used that version. I would like to share this cartoon which I found to be suited for my blog post right now. The Italian cartoonist Federico Fieni predicted in a clever manner on how to challenge Windows and came about with the Chrome browser in the process. What do you think?

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