Some people do not know how to put together a great business. They may not even know how to make money online as well and even make good business models. But we should not underestimate those people at all.
Consider the man, Colonel Sanders of the infamous Kentucky Fried Chicken, where he had to close his very first restaurant due to the construction of an interstate that ran through his restaurant. A small check was given to him, but Colonel Sanders didn’t just sit and be contented with it. He went all over the US to offer his chicken recipe to various restaurants. After around 1,000 rejections, that was when he found a partner and Kentucky Fried Chicken was born. It became a very successful business after his desire to generate income from his chicken recipe.
What about eBay? Many people use eBay to sell their things in order to make extra money and a part time business. They did good as many turned it into a full time income, thus eventually supporting themselves that way.
Partnership of Income and Business
We tend to get distracted easily with the smaller tasks elaborated in the process. Focus should be in generating income, that is, if you have income, viability of the business will definitely follow.
Remember about the dot-com business boom then? Those companies started out with good business, in fact almost all companies had marketing and management teams; even systems and sales teams are all placed in position. Even if plenty of money was invested as capital money in the companies, all these businesses didn’t succeed at all.
This signifies that in building a business, generating an income is not just the end all. If you are an expert in a particular field, then you will never find it difficult to succeed in that area. If you know how to make money and be able to align your income, you may then pay someone to turn your income into a viable business. Do not stick to the idea that you should settle everything first before money will pour into your business.
The circumstances which great opportunities will arrive and that will eventually turns into income will finally arise. But this is not always accurate. Earning much income does not necessarily mean that a solid business will arise from it. But you will be able to establish a business if you are able to generate income already.
In Making Money
In starting out a business, you always tend to do many monotonous works that results nothing. Money is not generated and it may tend to be frustrating.
The first step to avoid this kind of predicament is just go for it. To make it simple, go straight to the making money part. The iPod of Apple wasn’t even a business when it started. It was intended to be a brand new income generating stream for Apple. But it didn’t turn out as expected. It became a total business of its own, as it became very big.
My only suggestion is just try it out and work at the income generation. Do not get discourage easily in building your business. Employ someone to assist you in establishing your business once the income is in place.
The realization of all of these is--we all have various talents. Some people are not that skillful in the area of building a business while others are not that proficient in the area of building an income. Maybe you need to invite more people to generate more income in structuring your business. And on the other hand you may be proficient in generating income but eventually needs assistance in the business-building arena.
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