Oct 9, 2009

Making Money Online Using the RSS Feeds

By this time, you may have known already what RSS feed is. In simpler terms, RSS feeds are just a simple method of getting viral marketing right within your arm’s length. An RSS document is called a web feed or a channel or simply just a feed and consists of either the full text or just a content summary from a related web site. There is a possibility for people that RSS will be able to carry on with the favorite web sites in an automatic manner. It will be easier to check these websites instead of browsing through them manually.

You may use the feed aggregator or the feed reader software to read such RSS content. All the user needs to do is subscribe to a feed by clicking on the RSS icon found within the browser or by entering the link of the feed into the reader. This will begin the subscription process. The feed reader then will regularly check the subscribed feed of the user for a new content, and even updates may be downloaded if it finds anything new.

The initials RSS are referred to the following formats which are the RDF Site Summary (RSS 1.0 and RSS 0.90), the Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0), and the Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91). These specified RSS formats are making use of XML which is a generic specification for the data format creation.

After all has been said about RSS feeds, does it mean something for an internet marketer like you? This signifies that creating a blog either in Blogger or Wordpress among others and posting specific keyword information to the blog on a daily basis will be able to render for you outstanding positions in the search engine on Google. The utmost key always is the content, like the saying “Content is king on Google”. That is really the bottom line and the basis to an effective marketing on Google.

You may wonder on how exactly you will use the RSS feeds in your regular routine promotion on Google. Bear in mind that every time that you post a blog article, you will be given a unique link that is newly created. This is what is called the link building. This is also the key to a triumphant Google ranking on search engines. An RSS feed link will also be created by making use of the blogging system and will be called the xml file. The link for that file will be placed into a hyperlink format into your corresponding website. So every time you post an article to your blog, you will be putting fresh content into your site on an automatic basis.

In the meantime, the spiders of the search engine love the constant change of content. They dislike the sites that are not changing or just simply static in nature. This is the outcome of having a site that is not moving at all. You should have a site that you can control its content or the whole process will not work altogether.

Bear in mind that your RSS feeds may eventually be your tools in viral marketing. You may not think of the RSS feeds but when you regularly change content for your website it will be a tool for your viral marketing altogether. Every time you search for a blog or a website that has an RSS feed on it, you may as well get that content and place it on your own site. If a certain person has outstanding content on his site that is related to your business, such tool may readily be available to you always. You just need to click on the placed link on your site and voila! You have ready access to their information. The whole procedure really is based on the written content. If it is really information and not just a form of advertising, there is a good chance that people will see you as a source of credible information. You may be popular with Google also.

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